What University Often Skips To Teach It’s Students

Sara Zafar
2 min readJul 14, 2022

You will mostly see university students who have graduated somewhat lost and about 70% confused. Why? Because they did not expect that corporate world would be so different from there ‘syllabus.’

“We were never told about this!”

“If only I knew earlier…”

Surely universities do a fantastic job in building character and confidence into their students by preparing with countless case studies of recent events and out of the box thinking. Students are fully aware of what to expect from their teachers as they’re already told how the semester will look like and what are the teachers expectations from them.

Just like that, the corporate world expects the same. It expects that you already know how things work and that everything and anything will hardly be as per the ‘syllabus’ of your field of work.

While of course you can make do with the knowledge of those 4-years, 48 courses and countless sleepless nights, very few teachers will tell you to the benefits of networking and exploring LinkedIn.

81% of talent professionals say that virtual recruiting will continue long after the pandemic. And here’s another fact you probably didn’t know:

“6 people are hired through LinkedIn every minute

LinkedIn is a very powerful tool and has no traditional restrictions such as “graduation required on time” OR “too fresh for this work.”

LinkedIn IS:

  1. A network platform: You create connections and you build a network.
  2. A job-searching platform: You can look for jobs part-time, full time, remote, hybrid.. just name it and you’ll have it. And best of all…
  3. A freelance-platform: YES! It is indeed a platform where income can be generated easily. It is just as efficient as Fiverr and Upwork. The plus is, you get to build strong connections

Here’s what you can do NOW to make the most of LinkedIn. You probably won’t have to wait till graduation to get a job here…

  1. Post meaningful content everyday.
  2. Post your learnings, success and failures. Be proud of everything you do. Put yourself out there!
  3. Build connections. Connect with as many people as you can.
  4. Share your thoughts with your connections. You don’t just connect and never speak to them, you need to post on their articles, thoughts and share your point of view.
  5. Teach what you can. There are so many things that you might know and others may not. Coach your connections!
  6. Counsel fresh users of LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a gold mine and the sooner you realize that, the better.

Happy reading!



Sara Zafar

I am a Fork. I work for food and I ‘food’ for work.🍕💼 Like how a fork helps with food, I help with my experience and knowledge. Being you is all u need to be.